Seniors often spend a decent amount of time in their kitchen area, as it is a multi-purpose area to both enjoy the morning paper and a cup of coffee, as well as visit with family. We have seen a few interesting ideas come up over the years and thought we would identify the most senior-friendly options out there.
The first option is to make all cabinet and counter levels at a height that makes sense for those living in the space. The kitchen contains so many different items that it is important that they are all within an arms reach. This can prevent falls or spills that may leave an elderly person feeling hopeless and impotent. By simply lowering the cabinet levels, one can cast aside the step-stool need within the kitchen. We also enjoy building larger spaces below the countertops so that kitchen wares can be stored in an area that does not require a reach at all. This means finding the best level for comfort as well as functionality. We may need to raise or lower the counters to make room, however this is a fairly straight-forward project and can be done over a few days.
We have also had success in widening the kitchen area, either with a new addition or by rearranging some appliances. Many kitchens that were built in the 70’s to 1980’s may be outdated in their layout. That means that persons operating this space are at a disadvantage when walking thru the kitchen or making something for dinner. We want to reduce the walking necessary for this reason, and there can be a lot of people who find this helpful. Rearranging the stove, refrigerator, and sink may be a tall task, so we look for the easier options first. Anytime you are hiring a home renovation contractor, make sure they provide all information beforehand.
Making the right improvements to the kitchen is imperative for seniors looking to age in place. These are just a few suggestions that can make the process much easier and affordable. Kitchen remodeling contractors will often provide a list of available tailored options that will assist in this endeavor. We hope to find a few more options down the road and report back with an update!